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Gad is an Israeli Megastar who is currently the most recognized name and face in Jewish music worldwide. With millions of hits on his YouTube music videos, Gad transformed and led the evolution of the Jewish music scene, elevating the standard of excitement and quality, and today he is one of the top recording and performance artists in the Jewish music industry.


Gad is reaching audiences around the world as his music and message of unity are being embraced by Jewish communities worldwide.



His songs are played on radio stations around the globe. He has 130K  Followers on YouTube, Instagram & Facebook.

Through his velvety voice, soulful contemporary sound, incredible energy, a fantastic entertainer and a pioneer of the Jewish music movement who is taking the genre to the next level. He serves as role model to his many fans throughout the world ranging from Africa, Europe, Brazil, Mexico, North America, USA, Australia and Israel.

Gad has performed and sold out shows throughout the globe, from King’s Theater in Brooklyn, Palais des Congrès, Casino de Paris in France, Time’s Square, Universal Studios in LA & Orlando, Monta Theatre in South Africa, Brazil, Caesarea Amphitheater in Israel & Australia.

Gad Elbaz’s new Geula World Tour will be in both English & Hebrew, with a rich portfolio of NEW

& nostalgic hit songs, acompaned by breathtaking choreography something the Jewish world has never seen or heard before! He will share inspirational words of his personal journey towards success & redemption. In the past year Gad has collected words of inspiration from top Rabbi's around the world, about the Geula. His team is working around the clock to achieve the highest standard possible.




Gad's main focus and message that he delivers through his music and personality is to give the public innovative and meaningful mainstream music with a twist of keruv to Hashem.  Gad delivers his message in an unorthodox fashion. He utilizes all of the tools that Hashem has given us and creates engaging content that delivers the essential message and brings light to the darkest places.  


Gad is a spiritual leader who has devoted his life to positively impact the Jewish community through creative ideas like #GADGIVES.


His goal is to help people renew their faith through music and empower them to live their lives with an open heart, belief in themselves and trust in G-d.


Gad believes that it is his responsibility to inspire mankind and to work collectively to bring salvation to the world.  

Throughout his career Gad has collaborated with top artists from different genres.

These collaborations all achieved national success and broke the boundaries between observant and secular music fans.  


After seeing the impact that COVID has had on society, Gad decided to channel the light back into people’s lives, and that’s how the album Geula and world tour was born.



Gad Elbaz Music Video

Gad Elbaz Music Video

Gad Elbaz Music Video
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גד אלבז - גאולה Gad Elbaz - Geula (prod. by SHINER)
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גד אלבז - גאולה Gad Elbaz - Geula (prod. by SHINER)

גד אלבז - שלום אדון עולם Gad Elbaz – Shalom Adon Olam
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גד אלבז - שלום אדון עולם Gad Elbaz – Shalom Adon Olam

גד אלבז - ירושלים Gad Elbaz - OH JERUSALEM
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גד אלבז - ירושלים Gad Elbaz - OH JERUSALEM

גד אלבז - ממעמקים Gad Elbaz - Mimaamakim
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גד אלבז - ממעמקים Gad Elbaz - Mimaamakim

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A New Performance with Inspirational Stories of Gad Elbaz’s Life Journey on an Intimate level, Sharing his Stories and singing his Top Hits.

One on One!

Meet The Team

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Shlomi Cohen

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Victoria Zirkiev  

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PRODUCER - Marketing

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Asaf Shor

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Band Manager

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Williams Sigismondi

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Musical Producer


Stefanie Roos

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Peter Olstein

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Office Manager

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Meirav Foukx

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Project Manager


LED Visual

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VJ Live
Video Mapping & Art
Multimedia Production


Stage & Lighting 

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Master Lighting Productions
Event Lighting

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HOSHEN Productions

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Rabbi’s & organizations that do not have the funding to provide kosher entertainment for their community.

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